
Thu, 01/18/2018 - 12:43 -- Kate.T

I believe in a lot of things.

I believe that goodmornings should be paired with good afternoons 

and that raint days are best when spent alone

I believe jumping in puddles is only childish if not done for your pure enjoyment

and that pictures keep memories alive

I believe that hot chocolate is better than coffee and promises should be kept

But believing something is true is sometimes the greatest weakness you could possibly show

You believed he loved you and he believed he could make a thousand mistakes and still love you

because you both knew he drank at night just to forget that maybe he really didn't love you anymore

and you pretended that everything would be alright given time

But believing a person can change if only they let you in can shatter your entire world apart if you let it


Love is hard to believe in when you tried so many times to believe in it 

that after an eternity spent whispering,"I believe you"

followed by another betrayal and another lie 

left you on your knees staring at a slammed door in a now empty room

wondering where your belief went wrong

All the other things you believed in were true so why couldn't this one be?

And then a couple months pass by

And you still stare out the window wondering if maybe rainy days shouldn't be spent alone

And now hot chocolate has become too sweet for your taste so now you replaced your morning hot chocolate with bitter coffee

That keeps you awake at night

You believed that believing forever and always would happen would make it true

But he no longer believed in you

This poem is about: 


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