"BeInG BENt"
An apocalyptic world surrounds me
Rusted gears still turn
Calk is rotting; bricks are falling
Oh, how I wish they'd learned
I'm all that's left
Alone I stand; "Alone, alone, alone."
My heart is loud, curved, sand, cold, dry
For I tell the time to no one
I believe they've died because of me
I wonder what went wrong
Those that made me are so many
But now they all are gone
And still I work to do my job
For people I hope come
They'll look to me with London Eyes
And wonder where I'm from
I bleed today, for I am hurt
And have been since they left
They should have killed me
(Or survived) but no mercy had they felt
So, twelve by twelve I lie awake
Listening to a silence
A silence that I interrupt
With every passing second
And time, I wish I did not know,
For immortal means forever
I function, run, near tombs of friends
Stop ticking, I will never
And gears still cry within my bones
"Alone, alone forever."