Before Bed
A mom sits by
Her dumpling's bed,
Watches him closely
Making sure he doesn't bump his head.
He diddles to the left,
And diddles to the right;
Shaking and shivering,
Remembering that night.
A split second boom,
A sharp piercing ring.
Soliders scurrying about
Searching for their things.
Grenades displacing
Patches of sand all around;
Artillery shells sending troops
Sailing to the ground.
He can't find his britches,
He can't find his shoes;
Desperate to give
The enemy his due.
Lost in the dream,
He grabs at this pants and pulls at his laces,
Struggling to put on
What he thinks he misplaces.
His mom holds him tight,
Wipes the sweat from his brow,
And tries to assure him
He's prepared now.
"John, don't worry,
John, don't fret,
You put on your britches and shoe
Before bed."