Because I love you

Mon, 10/30/2017 - 20:18 -- smk2358

Because I love you

I will not text you 24/7

Because I know that you have other commitments,

Tests to study for,

And a family to nurture.


Because I love you,

I will not become upset

When you break my favorite mug

Or forget to return my cherished shirt

But rather hand you a different mug

And another tee so that you know

I will be patient and kind

Because your existence grants me graces

No other could fulfill.


Because I love you,

I will remind you that you are beautiful

Each time you look in the mirror

And when the voices in your head tell you otherwise.


I will remind that you are capable

By calling you before your big presentation

To provide words of encouragement

And to ease any angst that circulates in your blood stream.


And whenever I make a mistake,

And fumes escape both of your ears

I will tell you about the first time we met

And how in that moment I saw your eyes

Deep in The Catcher in the Rye

I knew I loved you because you loved my favorite book.


Because I love you,

I will comfort you when your depression comes back

I will chase away the demons with my bare hands

Crushing each one until I know that you are safe

Safe from your own thoughts and the lies in your head


When your depression is prevalent,

I will show you the beauty you can not see

The beauty in the crinkles around your smile,

In your selfless thoughts of serving others,

And in how warm and safe you make me feel.


Because I love you,

I will not abandon you as your father did.

I will not belittle you as the bullies from your past did.

I will not take your presence for granted as your boss did.


Because I love you,

I will be there whenever you call

Or shout

Or cry

Whenever you need a talk

Or a cup of tea

Or just a long hug


Because without you,

My world wouldn’t have clouds

Or perfectly brewed coffee

It would be absent of light laughter

And breathtaking views


Because each time I felt lost,

I gathered a mental picture of your smile

And allowed the crevices around your lips

To guide me back to your sweet taste.


Because I love you,

I will watch you from afar

And if fate permits,

Let you sleep by my side once more.



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