What is beauty?
Is it long brown straight hair
or big doe eyes?
Is there a certain look?
What do we tell the little girl with the big curly hair and the brown eyes?
How can she feel beautiful when she is surrounded by images
images of what beauty should be?
We tell her she's perfect the way she is
Yet everywhere she goes she is surrounded by diet infomercials
and instagram pictures tagged #thinspiration
What happens when boys tell her they would never want someone as dark and ugly as her
when girls label her hair as nappy and not "good"
What happens when she starts to feel ugly?
We cry. We cry for the little girl
We tell her she is beautiful and wanted
why do we wait until she cries for help
What is beauty anyway? Is it something that can be defined, grasped?
Is is even attainable?
Beauty is not just "skin deep"
Beauty is nature
It is strength
It is intelligence
It is love
And most importantly it is acceptance
So wipe those tears away little one
You are more valuable than you realize
You are more than your scars and your insecurities
You are a beautiful rose
You bring diversity, love and most importantly
You hold the light