To Be Free

I am surrounded

By walls so high

They block out the sun,

The warmth,

The people around me.

I see them

And they see me

But not truely

As the wall obscures a part of me.

Of all those

Surrounding me

Very few

Have breached this wall

And by doing this

They have knocked free bricks.

I am beginning to be seen

Beginning to show the world

And the people around me

My true self

And that scares me

Makes me build the wall higher

But what scares me the most

Is that I want to be seen,

Be noticed.

I want someone to come

And truely free me.

But my wall is so high,

It is hard for people to scale

And that makes me happy.

For the taller the wall

The harder it comes down

When the one who comes frees you.

And later

When even the one who saved me betrays me

I will stand alone

In the ruins of my wall,

So tall

And so difficult to build up again.



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