Battle of the DID

The lack of will you see in me is foreign yet it fits right in.
It stole the key that locks the door trapping me inside again.
Funny how it seems like I've been here before,
Yet the space this time can not be mine. Their's a haunting here for sure.
I can only surmise just like cruel time, the scene has aged and began, to whither and die.
This instance will come and it will go, or either I am lost beyond my mind.
I did take notice of this place, how, it glooms and watches. Like it's alive. It is only dead.
Dead memories and the ghost of you are strewn about, nothing i remember. Not even a trace.
How could I have ever let you within? To steal and change my mind. To distance me from everyone and break me down again.
You ravaged my heart lied to my soul but worst of all you drain the somatotropin from me like you were too much of a monster to produce your own.
Careful though it's almost all gone, you are slowly calling back the demons I have faced, I fought and have overthrown.
if you finish breaking my resolve or my will to go on.
My heart will be destroyed with nothing more to call me again to greet another dawn.
Instead you will witness all the hell I have endured and the pain that I have fought and have kept locked away for so long.
You can cast all your spells to twist the mind all you want, but the darkness you are calling
Is not something you should taunt.
You may be powerful and think you can win, but the rage I have hidden is more form than its fitting and it will tear you apart. It will torment your soul and haunt every step, every room will swallow you in darkness. Every time you you vision clarity it only ends in despair. Thanks for opening panforas cursed box. Take one more look around and welcome to your new home locked away in yourself running from my inner demons behind the very same door you locked me. Inside of myself you just played the fool while I was patient and now your paying for the things we've both done. I'm afraid I must go now I have been here before and I am quite terrified of this one. Do have fun and if it was you I think I'd start to run. It almost killed me once but I was able to have won. Now, me it's your turn. Look at us that you have summoned. Remember this is all in our head you me him, we are one. Either work together to resolve our problems, or we'll all slowly kill each other. Either way. Have fun with our fearful evil one. He's almost upon you. Think your way out of this one.

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