
In my family I am the middle child. They all call me the peace maker and the good child, since I barely get in fights with my siblings. I am the anchor to my siblings still loving one another. I have all the weight on me since my parents believe that I will go far in life with all of my kindness. Ever since I was a baby I had always been quiet and didn’t cry a lot. Now that I am grown up and in high school they wish I make the right choices and do everything to the best ability that I can. I spend most of my life worrying if my parents like what I am doing. Most of the time I do everything that they approve of, but what if I don’t want to go to college right after I get out of high school, what would they think of that? I am a balloon tied to an anchor with my parents. In school I do my best at keeping up my grades. Every semester I set a goal that I will make it onto the honor roll. When my grades get low my parents do everything to make sure that I can raise it. School is another anchor that pulls everyone down. In life everyone has troubles. There are all kinds of trouble, for example not getting the part in a play. No matter what you do to try and stop the problems they always come back at some point in time. Difficult obstacles are an anchor in my life, but later on I will see why I had those problems and I will be thankful that I did. When that day come I will no longer be a balloon tied to an anchor.


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