Backbreaking Work
Summer fled this reality
Too content with leisure’s spent
In pools, the emptied schools, the desolate hallways
But I
I returned happily
To the back breaking work
I lugged my books, despite the looks, up stairs, across lawn, through abandoned parking lots with blinking lights; I carried on, toward dawn
Toward the me that I was making
I am happy when I know my heart is happy
When I’m writing furiously
Creating artwork with my words
Masterpieces, rarities, NOT collectibles
Not I in the uniform box
Not I on the path most often traveled
I, doing the backbreaking work
A slave to my ambitions
A happy slave, happy to serve
Desperate to prove my heart correct
In this world of heads
Is hard.
Is a desperate endeavor
I travel alone
I lug my books in and out of classrooms
And no one holds the door
But I carry on
Fingers crossed I make a difference
Hoping I’m the first domino to kick off this human parade of scholars
That when I get there
They will say “Welcome home! Oh, how we have missed you!”
Digging into our journals
Marking our texts
Like cogs in succession we will fall into place
An inspired machine
Unlike summer
Who fled this reality
Too content with leisure’s spent
In pools, the emptied schools, the desolate hallways
But WE
WE will return happily
To the back breaking work