baby your feel love

Thu, 10/10/2024 - 14:38 -- rychard



In the cradle of dreams, where the moon shines bright,
A little one sleeps, a heart full of light.
Baby, you feel love, a force so divine,
A blessing from above, so pure and so fine.

Your tiny hands grasp mine, your eyes shine bright,
You light up my world, with your precious sight.
Your coos and your gurgles, they bring me such joy,
You're the reason I dance, with a heart full of toy.

In your mother's embrace, you find your safe space,
A place where you grow, with a heart full of grace.
You feel love's warmth, a gentle caress,
A love that will guide you, through each day's quest.

Your baby smell, a scent so sweet,
A perfume of innocence, a treat to greet.
Your giggles and grins, they light up my day,
You're the reason I sing, with a heart full of play

.You're a blessing, a gift from above,
A bundle of love, a treasure to love.
So sleep tight, little one, and dream of the day,
When you'll grow up, and chase your dreams away.

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