An Average Night


United States
41° 46' 16.968" N, 87° 38' 35.9304" W

It was nighttime
When I woke up in the hospital room.
Aching from what was apparently
Multiple gun shots wounds to the back.
Laying there that not knowing if I was paralyzed
I began to think back to the previous night
All in which appeared to be An Average Night…
If you ask me.

It was nighttime.
I was hanging on the block
Gambling with the guys.
I was hitting licks
Talking slick
Side betting
Taking what rightfully was mines.

Once it was over
I began my journey home.
Constantly hearing footsteps
Echoes in the shadows of darkness
Nevertheless, I paid it no attention
You know how people be tweaking.
No one in sight I was almost home when...
What appeared to be just a white ski mask
Came into my view.

I knew the end was near.
Where I’m from, they use black ski masks to rob
And when you see white ski masks
Just know they came to kill.
I turned around thinking if I ran
Maybe I would make it back to the block.
But deep down
I knew I only had a few seconds left on the clock.
As I ran, I said my last prayers
Asked God for forgiveness
But this was interrupted by what sounded like thunder
Instead, they were bullets striking me down.

And as I laid there on the ground
I knew it was all over.
It had began to rain
And surprisingly I felt no pain
Because my body was numb.
The shooter walked over me.
Fixing to end it
But just stared for a while
Then walked off in the distance.
I couldn’t help but be pissed knowing
The last thing I would see before my demise
Was my shooter walking away.
And I would get no justice for I was the only witness.

As my eyes closed for what I thought
Would be the last time.
I was hit with the ugly truth.
That tomorrow I would make the paper
And maybe my shooting would make the news
But my bad would out shine my good
I would be recognized for my affiliation to the G.D.'s
Not that I was a poet or an honors student
Hoping one day to seek a degree.
The storyline would read
"Another teen slain in Chicago
Dead at 15".


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