Autumn leaves

Fri, 11/09/2012 - 14:50 -- vikki


United States
30° 8' 55.0608" N, 95° 45' 3.7728" W

Autumn leaves are falling down, as they fall they hit the ground. They land in a puddle of tears from a little girl who has fears. She dosen't know when she'll get to eat or if she'll have clean clothes within the next week. She sits under the tree, a strong taste of a crisp autumn air hits makes her shiver from her head to her bare feet. The sun goes down in the horizon as she sits under the shaded oak tree. She closes her eyes affraid of the dark night thats coming. She crys afraid and alone, her eyes stinging from the dirt streaking down her face and forehead. She's afraid of the cold night sky so she trys to hug the tree. But, she's to weak to wrap her arms around the tree. The hunger is unbareable now. She punches at her stomach trying to rid the pain. It hurts to breathe each breath a sharp piercing pain. She's feeling light headed now. She lies down under the tree to sleep away the pain. She admires a pile of colorful autumn leaves. She reaches out to touch these leaves. With one last breath she lies dead under the oak tree.


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