Aura of Childhood Innocence
You don't miss something until its gone,
You don't love something until you set it free -
The same could be said about my childhood,
It was gone in a second, long and drawn out, yet still a mere instant.
And it wasn't until it was a faded memory that I learned to appreciate it.
I took everything for granted - every second, every moment, every breath, even everyone.
I didn't think about the future because I was a child,
I couldn't fathom even twenty-five years into the future, yet alone if the people that surround me today would surround me tomorrow.
The concept of death was messy and incomprehensible - I couldn't imagine that I would never see him again.
The aura of innocence ingulfed in my existence, my entire being, became loose -
Torn and emptied out of my soul, my childhood became that - a distant and haunting memory.