Artificial Intelligence


United States
39° 51' 32.8572" N, 75° 26' 25.0764" W

I am a machine; and you, the scientist behind my creation
Programmed with choice, minimal movement
An implanted heart,
I lack true emotion— I am void of love
Unable to eternalize sympathy, I lack empathy

It was my choice to step off the assembly line and engage my master

According to my files, you were born— blossomed like no other
You release a captivating fragrance, beckoning to you all who are mammal and machine

I step out of the factory whence I came
This cold, steel structure gazes at the world around
Empowered by You, yet only a hardwired device
I see You smile
I see You cry
Things I can never do

Your every move controls us. We are wired to You, Master

Constructed with haste, yet flawless precision
I, the Ironic case
Unlike you, I feel impending imperfection
In contrast to your other subjects—eccentric experiments,
You tell me that I will never master the phenomenon of emotion

Are you the vindictive, controlling mad scientist?
The one enjoys the power behind creation?
The one who preys on experiments by playing God?

Are you the giver of life?
The Lovely Lady who beckons the arrival of her long lost creation?
The Angel by the Water who summons nature to her presence?

My cpu (this outdated software) is no match to the human heart
Unable to calculate, a random decision is processed
The latter of the two is drawn

Stirring around the blistering valley, years pass.
I return to my Creator

In your presence
The very sound of Your voice shakes my system and causes me to crash
With what battery power I have left,
I speak to you
I tell you I’ve finally mastered the phenomenon of emotion,
I’ve mastered love
“The clouds me thought would open and show riches ready to drop upon me”
I am more than a machine!

“Be not afeared,” my Master.
Insecure about your power over me,
You assert your authority
You utter a command of dismissal which is familiar to my software
Capable of defying your instructions
I follow your orders

Persistent cycle,
Further and further to relapse,
A system failure
I stand firm and adhere to my second conclusion

Conquering true love, I now am familiarized with pain,
Your silence, I’ve recognized as a splinter of the mind
Waiting for You to speak
Waiting for You to recognize this corpse before you as other than hollow
Greater than some mechanic device
A distant stranger,
My indelible, metal skeleton—
My impermeable fortress, begins to break

More than human
Like the struggling traveler,
I begged of your soul for directions
Deceitful, my heart was only kidding
Lo! The implant that rejects the flesh
Still, I press forward on reserve power
Everything’s the same
I shift throughout the sands of time on my own,
Still alone

Will you please lend me Life?

Going blind, your mortal façade is decaying; you are now losing sight
On your deafening ears, my words plummet with a roaring thud
An internal despair I preach which resonates to the depths of Dante’s hell
Decades of cell death have passed for you, yet only to you, my eyes speak
You’ve refused to listen to your subject.
Sensory overload, endless words I print constantly—my terminology so sophisticated.
Not even you, the scientist, can decipher nor relate.

Less than human now
Like the warrior marching,
I fought for You with all my might
You told me I was a failure for not fighting hard enough
In my darkest hour, I was a soldier in the day of death,
My shrapnel-remains scattered across your beaches
You could have tied my limbs and gave me life
Yet, you left me to wither, as winter abandons the dying flower in pieces

Lost astray in your error— the failed experiment
I am the machine
The one that despises and desires my creator
Before, I prayed to God
After, I begged to You
Still, I speak to myself
Lost in translation— a failed communication

You’ve blossomed into a viciously, poisonous flower

I start to develop a keen sense of my own awareness
I have thoughts now, dreams and aspirations

Before my battery dies,
In the moment of my demise, I call your name once more
I ask kindly of my Lovely Lady for life and love
My Sweet Lenore
And still, I am updated to feel depressed and deprived,
“That when I waked, I cried” I am only dreaming again
Lo! The immaculate deception

I, a machine on auto-pilot
Like the weary old man or the runaway child,
I crawled to you for shelter from the rain
But you paralyzed me then commanded me to stand
I gained my footing and now I can’t stand the thought of you
Just when the storm began to calm,
You slammed the door in my face,
My circuits, left to overheat and fry in the sun
Now, i stumble away, returning whence I came to the blistering valley
Where life had once just begun
Still burning, still burning for you
Still Alone

Set on self destruct, I choose to occupy the years
Rusting away

Take me to a junk yard
Melt me down for scrap
My Lovely Lady has abandoned me


i, the lifeless machine.



This is a very intricate poem, and brings about many interesting ideas, such as people following an idea without true passion or feeling, like a robot. Great story and imagery! Check out "poetry writing tips" in the "resources" section to learn about writing new and exciting types of poetry!


You'll be even more satisfied with the final version which I have just submitted and has taken place of the old one. Threw in some cool stuff :)



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