[an artform bound]
an artform bound to pages by) words and words and words
“they themselves are the art are they not” he asks; no they be worldly
chains to a thing unworldly as words of our world”
our world, our words and their artforms otherworldly,
colliding in a flash of .ephemeral.
souleating fantasy; really it is such
a shame the shameful humility of our spirituality
TIED DOWN TO EARTH shouting and screaming.
and sedatives. and sleep.
tied down to earth. to a word. to a page.
cummings channeling )outside( forces
forcing me to emote _motionlessly_
love and lust and life
its. brevity. and beauty boiling up emotions with “words”
rising a stream and swirling and whirling and falling into
my lap. catching more tiresome than cold
cummings, at a desk, never
writing but pouring emotions into earthly ink any
inkling of humanity lost in ethereal thought
and thoughtlessness on the so,called page