Ars Poetica in Iambic Pentameter
POeTRY seems to follow a RYTHM,
yet may be called a FREE-FLOWING, -FORM STYLE.
SYLLABLES must be counted for each line
and RhYME shall each even line for a while.
IMAGERY shall be displayed in TEXT,
ApOSTROPHE's shall remove extra claps,
and meaning hides in the STANZAS, unseen
by who see no meaning in varied cAPS.
POETS may be simply misunderstood
as ARTISTS that use WORDS rather than oil,
yet each has a MESSAGE they will CONVEY
to onlookers and READERS they wish spoil.
Each WRITER makes their very own STORY
with a UNIQUE ending and HISTORY.
Guide that inspired this poem:
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: