aren't you a fighter

i sit in the grey painted walls the smell of disinfectant assaults my nose, the sound of the clocks retched ticking is the only sound I know, how long I've been here in this bed, I do not know, all I can remember is her face her sweet beautiful demonic, backstabbing face, and a sharp searing pain that covers my hold body and then the ground surges upward towards me, and I… fall and I look down, clutching my gut, to see that its spilling out, and that she's holding a knife in her hand and smiling, looking down at me, with a look of disappointment, how one would look at a child who's pissed the bed, and so she kneeled down, leaned in and whispered in my ear, I thought you were a fighter, and that’s when it all went black, and darkness rolled, but know I see my surroundings have changed, I'm in a hospital bed hooked up to all the machines, their purposes to me is unknown, I just know  that I have them to thank for keeping me alive, for bringing me back from death, and just as I finish that thought an orderly walks by and notices that I'm finally back from what seemed like certain death, and calls to an unknown party to come in and one by one they file in with tears In their eyes all of them but one I notice and as I look closer at who it is time stops dead in its tracks, and my heart threatens to cave In because the one I see the individual who should not be anywhere near me is, standing,….right there the person responsible for my current condition her reason for doing this to me I'll never understand, I never treated her wrong, hell id even say I spoiled her rotten, but the truth is no matter how you put it was a mistake to date the monster that now sheds her fake tears In a desperate attempt to hide her heinous, treasonous, betrayal, an unforgivable, infraction in my trust for her, but she still stands there like she isn't the one solely responsible for my recently escaped catatonic state, but her inability or immunity even to the slightest amount of shame, or grief , so she stands their with a confused threatening, deceiving smile on her face and dares to ask me what is wrong with me, so I just stare frozen with fear, and held down with internal fury and long needed, long awaited revenge, but I sit their and hold it back, because I fear what she'll do if I detest he deception of faked innocence's, of feigned ignorance for pain she put me through, so I decided that she will pay, not today nor tomorrow, nigh even next, I will return the pain she brought upon me with a generous amount of long time waited interest, all I have to do is wait for my moment, and take it. And run with, and drive its fire hardened point, right into her heart, and as the light leaves her eyes I will ask her, what's wrong aren't you a fighter.

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Is that your plan? Are you waiting for your chance to get revenge? 

Go fishing for trout if so...

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