Apple of my eye



 Beauty, Smarts, Kindness. Faithful, Loyal, Honorable. Loving and Caring. These describe her. Something that was given to me. I have been blessed by God himself. A woman I'm not worthy of stood before me and said I am attracted to you. Me of all people. I didn't deserve her. So I cherish her with all of my heart like she does me. She gives me her all. Her everything. Even when she was hurt before. I will be the band aid to her heart, to her soul. and she will be my support and make me whole. I have never loved like this before. I can't live with out her. I can't breathe without her breath in me. I can't sleep with out the sight of her. I refuse to hear until I hear her angelic voice. My better half. She completes me. She is compassionate and she is loving. Yet she was treated like a pushover and she was abused. But I will treat her like a queen, the queen that she is. I will treat her with the upmost respect and I will give her her greatest desire in a relationship. I will massage her when she is tired. Be there for her when she needs support. And hold her when her tears begin to fall. I will be there. She is the apple of my eye. The one I cherish like I would my own mother and daughter. She is my wife. I hold her very close to my heart and I will never let her go. She is the being that I need in my life. The one I will talk to when things go south. The one I will make love and the one I will passionately kiss. She is the one and only for me. She is the apple of my eye. 


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