An Apple A Day
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many apples does it take to cure my mothers cancer?
How many apples does it take to cure my aunt's?
How many for my godmother?
If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, how many does it take to rid of my insecurities?
How many apples does it take to rid of my deepest fears?
How many for my tears?
An apple a day does nothing for my soul
It does nothing to fill this hole
Nothing for the hopeless little boy
An apple a day does nothing but give me temporary aid
Does nothing but delay the events
Nothing but nothing
I eat an apple each day because it delays the pain
He eats an apple each day to delay the fight
She eats an apple each day to delay the night
And you, well you eat the apple because Eve told you to
You eat the apple because you're just scared what will happen if you don't