The Apple
What it seems most people find inspiring
Is people who have, what they’re desiring
Those that have money, fame, or power
Those that live on top of Trump tower
Those who drive ferraris and mercedes
Those that date all the beautiful ladies
Those who buy and own all the giant mansions
Those unsatisfied; and needing expansions
All these traits are attractive no doubt
But I think it’s not what life’s about
What is much more motivating to me
Is someone who submits themselves; humbly
One who has all the money, power, and fame
One who should be glorifying their own name
Instead, they choose to give that power away
Like I read in Tim Tebow’s “This is the Day”
Tim Tebow had every reason to be proud
But instead, at Jesus’ feet he bowed, and vowed
Whatever he did, God would get the glory
But that’s not the coolest part of this story
After Tim’s football career was ended
He made very clear what he intended
To focus on a specific cause
This idea would make some click pause
And blink at the TV; to make sure they could see clearly
Tim Tebow helping someone with a disability
Not just one person though, no no no
That was not enough for Tim Tebow
He made a prom night for his newfound friends
What’s important is the message he sends
He’s saying to that girl, or boy
That being with them brings him joy
That they are special; and they are seen
That they are a valued human being
In my own life this has inspired me
To be the most selfless I can be
To see a need--and give a response
To let go of my own needs and wants
I know that the temptation is there
It’s like the apple, that you can’t bear
To just leave it their on the tree
But I beg you please believe me
If you pry your eyes away from the fruit
And if your selfishness you can uproot
I promise you that the garden has more
In the broken, the beaten down, and poor
When you do, it's like opening a door
Like the greatest feeling you can’t ignore
Like letting someone open up and pour
So much joy that your smile starts to get sore
And you realize what life is really for
So let me steal Tebow’s words, and say
That I believe that “This is the Day”
To break free from selfish temptation
Find your personal inspiration
Discover a way to help others
Before the apple, your joy, smothers