I watched the water droplets on my windshield drift down slowly. They were imitating their big brother, The River. I could feel their compulsion to become part of something, something more than themselves. Truly this is what it means to become selfless. They gave themselves to a cause of their own choosing as if it were nothing.
I felt overwhelmed with jealousy. The humans I know would never act for the cause of others. We are selfish creatures bound by our instincts for survival. We did not used to be this way. We seem to have grown into this. To break these bonds would need a force of unfathomable proportions. Something close to a divine force that pushes us to act for others. Become selfless. Become brave. Be overwhelmed with passion, to care for another more than we care for ourselves.
There is a name for this force, but its context eludes me.
It is a faint memory of what was.
Oh how I wish it is, what was!
I would be happier... No! I would be content.
Oh how I wish to be content.
Ahh. I remember now.
The word.
~Monsieur Stylo