She Was a gifted child Something of a perfectionist, really Full of intelligence, talented at piano, art Full of beauty Everyone was full with her praise Her goodness was loved, talents esteemed But every praise uttered was cast out as a lie In her mind Everyone was just being kind She tried so hard to be more To be worthy of the premise But nothing would ever be enough By grade six, she faced thoughts contemplating suicide None of the kids understood when she pushed them away But how could a girl who didn’t believe her own mother When she told her she loved her Face the words of the others? It took years of therapy before her demons were discovered: Anxiety. A disorder A body’s incapability to produce enough serotonin for its brain Through the right concoction of pills, therapy, and God himself She began, slowly, to become sane And yet, so many couldn’t realize It was the anxiety that held her back, the medicine that helps her regain The happiness her body could never efficiently maintain On a thing like Anxiety, people have to audacity to say “Get over it.” “Why don’t you be who you really are? Not what these pills tell you to be.” “This is your mind, you control it” These people fail to realize that Anxiety disorder is not only a disorder But a medical deficiency What this girl’s anxiety withheld of her under a haze of lies and self loath The pills have the ability to bring back completely And if it weren't for not only these pills But counseling and God’s will This girl may not be here today Casting aside her daily battles Risking misunderstanding and bearing old shadows To bring to all the story of what she has overcome In the event that she can help even just one That is facing what she has, and still is Depression. Anxiety. An inability to see. It’s not about being drug free But bringing out the real she.