“I need some inspiration!”
Don’t submit to frustration.
“But I feel like I’m falling short.”
You will always have support.
“Really? From whom?”
Take a look around the room.
“They would never care.”
Only if you’re not willing to share.
“But what if I’m alone?”
Leave the room and be known
“They’ll think I’m weird.”
Don’t submit to fear.
“Then what should I write?”
Whatever feels right.
“At least give me a hint!”
You will be grateful I didn’t.
“Where should I start?”
The very best part.
“Will I find the perfect rhyme?”
With time, with time.
“I’ll look back on it and hate it.”
But you can re-create it.
“I’m not as good as others.”
Your imagination can work wonders.
“Why do you have this much faith in me?”
Because perseverance amazes me.
“What if I stop?”
Two words: Do Not.
“I’m terrified to continue.”
But reassurance is within you.
“But why must I push on, even though I’m scared?”
Because you know that you are prepared.
“Prepared for what? To be humiliated?”
No, to realise your opinion is weighted.
“My voice may be too quiet or too loud.”
The very fact that you are using your voice is what should make you proud.