Ansley Piper Dunning – 21st Birthday
Grande dame i.e. mademoiselle Ansley Piper Dunning
endowed with precious, marvelous, and kindness
points in one direction to approaching happiness
as thee honorably glides thru designated
gilded unseen space/time continuum unique - tour
Already thee infused many lives (some indirectly)
viz obviating inadvertent succor
your existential scrimmage racks up one plus one score
opposite the side of mortality,
which tigress within ye (no lion) doth roar
heartily (move over Katy Perry), cuz thee didst cross
that arbitrary demarcation of adulthood por
favor from hardy, healthy, and genealogical history
of vibrant stock in trade most likely promising more
elliptical forays, whence present events will handily glorify folk lore
countless generations into future,
where unborn kith and kin will exclaim bon jure,
and uncurl faded photographs and love letters aged with musty hoar
frost – reminiscing when a beautiful, delightful
and one woman festival galore
evoked a reserved lass,
yet her quiet ambience, clairvoyance, and entrance
near silent soft Sundance across the floor
wring unannounced immediate radiance analogous
to morning beams of light illuming aero space at base of door,
whence entrance of ansley piper dunning
instantaneously makes sport of any chore
busily engaging occupants (offspring, neighbors,
multitudinous linkedin kindling joie de vivre amidst individuals)
drawn by your soothing aura, charisma, instant karma,
and persona that quintessentially doth bore
ah, tis no syrup rise that a young lad drawn
to such a lustrous, industrious, and felicitous gal
begot by deux loving parents (me fabulous kid sister for one),
thus twas only natural each dunning heiress most every live touched elicits positive reaction re: “such beautiful young women that rival the allure”of Juliet even Romeo would adore”.
H-A-P-P-Y … B-E-L-A-T-E-D…B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y
From this sol son of Boyce and the late Harriet Harris