Another Restless Poem for a Restless Night


United States
37° 1' 9.5376" N, 94° 30' 2.0916" W

Sweat changes the shade upon my shirt
Hems howl
Seams scream
Ruffles wrestle recklessly
Deadbeat dress upon a dead beat body
Tights tattered in patterned poetry
The politics of my shins covered by leather
The boots that sit beneath my knees
And my need for something more
Place your name upon my neck
And give me validation

Each pain relates to the days unwritten.
Mourning over the moronic notes unplayed.
Grieving over the grievances unsaid.
I do not wish to stay and see if you recall me.
I was but a muse in your twisted tale.
Spin me again and see which organ will fail.

These pains and trembles have become old friends
They're not always present
But I remember them when they come around.
Unnoticed and unannounced
Pain in my heart and chest throughout.


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