Another Definiton
Another Definition
By Abigail Gyamfi
The one to put an impassive face when she firsts enters a place,
Her unreadable façade masks the beauty and the joy with her.
She moves in a rhythm that goes,
1 Step, 2, Step, 1 Step, 2 Step
Because she’s is a follower
Focused and attentive to human behavior
But reflects on it like a mirror
Can’t make decisions by herself
Because she’s frightened
All she wants to be is flawless
Seems like everything she does makes her like everyone
Dirt and Full of Mistakes
Ever heard of the phrase,
“The prettiest thing to wear was a smile”,
Her smile was horrible
Now she’s afraid to smile
She was just a broken record
But the only thing that enlightened her was
When she writes, she’s ultimate, unique
She takes her time to understand,
“That it’s not important to be like everyone else. What’s
Really important is what comes from the heart. You are
Another definition of Beautiful, Extra-Ordinary and
Says a wise girl named Abigail Gyamfi