An Animator's Sonnet

Wed, 11/28/2012 - 23:25 -- s690763


United States
29° 39' 41.184" N, 98° 39' 56.0124" W

Characters dance across the page, surreal,
Fluid lines and colors that come alive,
Your senses, they shift into overdrive,
Your imagination makes it seem real.
People, animals, places, and things too,
Spring to life, and jump right off the bright screen,
Your favorite book, movie, drama scene,
For your enjoyment, played out just for you.
Ink becomes blood, and paper is like flesh,
A child is born from an artist’s hand,
Breathing life into a work, understand,
That when you are done, more ideas come fresh.
That is the job of an animator;
Digital craftsmen and art creator.



I'm submitting this because being an animator is my dream and so art education is extremely important to me.

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