Anima(latin) abound funeral
Ashes to ashes dust to dust my soul will break free from the spell and run,Run to my bones so i may punch with the flesh of my skin,on my fist to protect my shit oh my shit my psyke my nepish my anima my soul and flesh right from my carvanouse I protect my shit pyske the glory I have said with my body and soul in my flesh because that i do this for it protect my shit anima the latin tounge in the moon from benaeth to up above i protect my shit from the moon wen god no im this pist off he place me back to where i come from my anima so ill stand before the water with a ritual to place my image in a pudel in the moon with my anima krum krah krish skra corizone from greek to latin i have begone only to conclude with my nephish in a hebhrew aspect in life pretence many have prayed to my assence with a candle and a saying after the spark i walk trew the candle light now i have a seal with a lens i ll save you i have called you to walk before me with heart.against the demons of the night and the most visouse souls so you may live as your want god you know who i am(has said)My name of the hevens born with 3 dideams protection fro hell protection from satin and prosperty giving 3 names with one only i know who am i in your bible.
bibacal term the one to break your pride and insult you before death whith the most brutal death of a abound funeral