And you didn't care
You didn't care since you know she was out of your hair.
He dangled from the ceiling to save him from you, but you started this trend for the youth.
She said this was for the best, yet she didn't know that it wasn't over yet.
Did you know they knocked his lunch to the ground and all he saw was no way around?
She let go to find herself, but when she looked in the mirror she saw the blade and her death.
No one would care they said, and before you knew it they were pronounced dead.
He tied the rope tight and stood up on the chair while she went to clean a knife and smoothed back her hair.
He tiptoed to the edge of the seat and bounced on his toes, and she took a deep breath- the last one through her nose.
He put the noose around his neck and said one last prayer while she now laid in her own blood with none left to spare.
He walked off and his eyes bulged out of his head.
Now they are crying, yet it's their fault they are dead.
They hurt them, and they had no way out.
It's now ten o' clock on the same night, and so many others have just lost their fight.
The way the world is now, should make you ill, and the girl that you bullied from your math class just took 8 aspirin pills