And To Think it All Started with Doing the Dishes
Washing dishes was my favorite chore;
the soap and hot water warmed me to the core.
I would sit there all night and scrub all clean
any dishes I could find till they were all shiny sheen.
I poured soap in the sink, turned the water on high
and then for a moment, I rested my eyes.
Then the moment was over and to my surprise
the bubbles stretched outwards and up toward the sky.
For a moment I panicked; the room was a mess!
I just wanted to do dishes, no more and no less!
Then the thought dawned that made my heart sing:
bubbles were just soap, and soap cleaned things.
So I found my smile and my eyes grew bright,
and I tossed the bubbles everywhere in sight.
they covered the carpet, and clung to the walls
but i was not in trouble-- and that was best of all!
My neighbors came over to see what was the deal.
Their eyes grew wide, and they started to squeal.
So I made a [clean]mess and two new friends--
and that is how it all began.
Room grew to house, and house grew to home--
take it or leave it, but it was second to none.
Friends laughed and cried and got pretty scared too
within the sacred walls of Hruby two-zero-two.
It's where johnny and i sat cross-legged on the floor,
where I shared my day, my heart, and more.
Where all were welcome and all could stay
for a month, for a week, for the night, or a day.
Where Niki and i became best friends true,
sharing our secrets and latest news.
It's where i spilled to Miss Kalee, all of my tears
and grew to trust her to chase away fears.
Where i learned to stitch teddy's, to fix broken thumbs,
and pulling all-nighters too often was dumb.
Where I did my first pull-up and baked my first cake
and learned unattended microwaves are a big mistake.
So what do you mean, "Am i ready to go?"
I mean, my bags are all packed, but I'm not sure I know
how to leave behind the memories of the first place
I took care of my own, just a tiny 'me' space.
So I'll close the door and hold the key
in my palm for a second longer than really need be,
just to know it was here, remember it was real,
and will live in my heart until memory steals.