and then I rememberd

I awoke on a scene. Not one of any importance just a piece of time. Nothing special was happening, life was just existing. I lay on the ground. I was on my side, my face turned toward the rising sun. The golden rays danced across my skin as the air warmed me. The lush grass beneath me was soft and comforting. I can hear the leaves in the tree behind me rustle as a light breeze blows through. A song bird is calling out to a lost lover in the distance cooing for her to return. The wild flowers of pale yellow and blue sway gently back and forth. As I blink my eyes I hear the babbling of the nearby brook. I smell that earthy fresh smell of the outdoors. The kind that clings to your skin and gets caught in your hair so when it blows across your face you smell the world in which you live.

The tired starts to leave my eyes, slowly creeping away like a butterfly tiptoeing on water. I can finally peer past my eyelashes and really see the world. A soft smirk eases it way on to my lips. My cotton dress feels light natural against my skin. My mind begins to stir but I’m perfectly content. I could lay here within this warmth and peace all the days of my life without ever growing tired. There’s a soft rustling behind me assuming it’s a rabbit or some other woodland creature I pay no attention. But then I feel a hand touch my waist and then I remember. It flocks back like the great migration of geese, in multitudes of the thousands. 

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