And I write

Thu, 05/03/2018 - 15:53 -- Kate.T

And I, with sunkissed skin and honey lies

And words that twist and turn on paper

Can only write to figure it all out

And realize that maybe the world isn't so big

That in the alone of a lonely room

You have a voice


Scream and yell at the top of your lungs

Never let your voice be smothered by the ones who tell you to give up

And my voice, quiet and unsteady

A little bit fragile at times,

Will be loud and clear 

In the written words that I have to say

And so I write

I write to give back to the poems that shaped 

The lives of thousands around me

My own

With the dreams of poets long gone

And the ones who stand by me as I write and speak

I will help bring the change we are all 



Begging for



This poem is about: 
Our world


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