American Doom
I watch as the trend curves upwards
And sickness plagues the earth
And the masks remain unworn
So the virus is given birth
To in a new community,
In a new city, a new county
As the orange-faced tyrant
Hoists the American flag proudly
He claims he did not want to worry Americans
But I am worried
Worried for my immunocompromised parents
Worried for my risk of exposure when I run errands
Worried that people do not follow hard facts and science
Worried that people compare this to the flu, that is biased
Worried about the fact that compassion and decency are politicized
And that going to enormous parties with no masks is legitimized
I am so worried that my anxiety creeps through my body
Shaking every nerve and crawling up my spine
Over a quarter of a million people have already died
And so I pray that the next body taken won’t be mine