America the Stressed
O beautiful for standard tests,
For health worth less than grades,
For against what the kids request
Upon us stress cascades!
America! America!
Please realize we must sleep
With hours worth of homework
The stress of school runs deep!
O beautiful for intelligence
Based upon obedience
Prior generations say with arrogance
“Just have resilience”!
America! America!
The kids are not okay,
The closer you that pull us in,
The farther we shall stray!
O beautiful for increased strain
Upon our young minds.
College prices increasing, causing pain
With debt that truly binds!
America! America!
May someone help thy youth
Government pockets seeking profit
Off learning is a sad truth!
O beautiful for all our dreams
Being beat down over the years
Shining eyes once having a gleam
Are now full of constant tears!
America! America!
Students minds are giving out
Students a plenty no longer are healthy
Is this what the American Dream is about?