America! (reply to sb "America)
America! Those beautiful blue skies of freedom!
Why oh why do you not cry
Can't you see?
No? Then just listen to me
as I tell the tale
It has been told time and time again
with Greece and Rome and Spain
so tall and mighty
yet so weak
Why are you weak?
Old you are not
Among others just a young nation
but with no foundation
what are you standing on
when the people that call you mother
are so passive and care not?
Who bargain you away
and leave you to naught.
Oh! America!
I see you falling
I cannot help but continue calling
but like unto Rome
our sacred dome
shall come crashing down
as our people lay by the way
not caring either way
the captain will go down with his ship
even though he is not at the wheel
America! Those horrid red skies of sorrow!
America! That land that never shed a tear.