
Oh, America the Great! Where do I start? What do I say?

 Oh yes, the country where you had to wait long for your rights because you are gay

  Young kids following the media, wandering ever aimlessly into their demise

   Bullying occurs within the school systems, but when we fight for what’s right

    For what’s right

     The suspensions and expelling occur

      But for which side?


Blurred lines are known very well

 But never addressed


America the Prejudice, yet the country as a great melting pot

  Blaming on religions that are not Christian or Catholic

   For the tragedies

    For the sorrows

     Some of us pray on our knees

      Some of us don’t


Why fight thy neighbor whom you called wrong on their views?

 Why fight for who’s wrong and who’s right?

  Because of this, many are terrified at night

   This is a terrible sight


America the Too Late

 The country that finally applies the rules after a tragedy, not preventing it from before

  Where you don’t realize your aggression caused someone to take their own life

   Their hopes

    Their dreams

     Their future


America the Unfair

A single Mexican-American mother of four works hard for a new position

 Better pay

 A better future for her and her young children

  But someone else got the job, not her

   Here’s what they say:

   “He was better educated.”

     But he did not have an ounce of motivation or passion


America: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

 Why is the country portrayed as we see it?

  Is it too late?

   Is it too late to change it?

    Can we still make it great?

     Yes, we can

       Lift up the bans

         Go up against fear, discrimination all together

           We join hands


America the United

 We stand together and tall

 Show a sign of tolerance with one and another

   From sister to sister, from brother to brother

    We are all one

      We are all one

        We are all one



This poem is about: 
My community
My country
Our world


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