also known as: average
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Whatever happened to above average?
I was brought up
In red polo shirts
And long hair ribbons
Big, gap toothed grin
I was brought up
A book in hand
Seated at a desk
Referred to as gifted
Pretty young thing, a pat on the head
You’ll go far, little one
So smart for her age, a brilliant small child
We just can’t wait to see how she turns out.
Whatever happened to above average?
That easy going kid
Turned into a monster who cries herself to sleep
A ghostly figure who always finds a way to fail
Passing through the walls of each class, never making a sound
That child made a splash, but eventually
The jumps were too great and she simply
Whatever happened to above average?
That girl was buried so long ago
And this new figure
With her numb, dead eyes
Is too caught up in figuring out if she’s alive
And the equations are long
And the days are growing shorter
And she would hate to ever be a bother
She shouldn’t need to ask for help
She’s above average
She’s above average
She’s above average
She is.
Do you ever think
Sylvia Plath was ever told that she was just