Alone in Two Bodies

Though it is hard to choose,

Which family members to loose,

I know I must pick the one

Where the differences are none.


That which is spoke off in voodoo

Says that we are one soul split into two.

And since I must always be next to her,

That which I want is my twin sister.


I would not have to roam the island alone,

And she would always remind me of our place back at home.

In the lonely and sorrowful everyday bane,

She would keep me from going insane.


Together we'd be in the hot burning sun,

and sometimes we might have a little fun.

Together we'd be in the shivering nights,

and sometimes we might have our little fights.


But together we'd be on the island side by side,

watching the rising and lowering tide.

This poem is about: 
My family


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