Living a day in the fast lane is the epitome of not enjoying life.
We wish for weekends, holidays and events but do we actually live each day?
I’ve worked my whole life to be great at something and loved by everyone .
I’ve put my needs first to get to where I am but having a good job and making good money still has me feeling empty.
I buy myself fancy things but the thing I crave most is the one thing I can’t
Because it seems my mind wants me to be alone..
Saying no don’t commit you will just get hurt don’t express your feelings you know how rejection feels.
It seems my mind wants me to be alone...
But what about my heart ? What about the feeling of nervousness before seeing someone i adore or the joy when I hear her say my name?
It seems my mind wants me to be alone...
My mind Putting doubt in my heart about circumstance, age and different paths we might be on ?
But what if an attempt at love will put us on the same path? What if an attempt at love will diminish all doubts...
It seems my mind wants me to be alone.....