You see them everywhere, yet they are no where
Your mother tells you "dont go over there"
As a child you were taught "that happens when you dont pay attention in class."
The truth of the matter is anyone can be deprived of their shelter
To have to live on the streets
To be homeless.
What difference does it make? Are they not human?
Why do you pass by with glaring eyes and avoid their eyes?
Why do you clunch our children and our wallets closer when they pass by ?
Why do you act like they are invisible?
As if they don't long for attention and love like all the rest of us.
You treat them like they are dangerous violent criminals.
Things your should keep away from at all costs.
"Don't walk down that ally with that hobo there."
Why do these stimgas still exist in our modern times?
When did "give to those who have less" go down the drain
Just like their hopes,dreams, and repuatation
Removed like window wipers on a dirty dash board.
Just like that you could be along side them,
struggling to maintain warmth, to slavage for food, for water
The basic needs of your daily lives become your whole existence
Suddenly your family is too scared to see you on the street corner
By the liquor store you used to buy candy from
You have no intention of hurting anyone
You realize those homeless folks before your time did not mean harm either
Chittering chattering in the cold of the night, wishing for your bed and warm covers
You see its human nature it not understand something until we have experienced it ourselves