All The Voices Of The Children
I hear voices, you hear them too, we all hear them
They cry the voices, they cry tears of fear
They ask, are we safe? Are we okay? Will we get to see graduation
Or is that just a date that holds a moment of silence for the class that never made it ?
Are we just the class
That has memorials in the hallways made for them ?
But nobody listens that's somebody
The president calls it a horrible tragedy
But turns his head on us anyway
The government watches as the missiles fly
But they close their blinds when the bullets fly
Only the parents are left to cry, only families want change
And did you know
That one out of every 2 kindergartners doesn't feel safe ?
On 9/11 America cried
During Pearl Harbor America suffered
But nobody mourns for the lost children
Who died too soon
Who were too young
Whose blood seeped out onto the floor
The voices they say,can't you hear us ?
They haunt the hallway and the football field
They cry, why aren't you helping us?
They dance at homecoming and prom in thier funeral best
They yell, isn't it time we had change?
They graduate every year with the rest of us
And all the voices of the children
They're not enough
The adults still laugh in our faces
The adults they say, go back to class,don't waste our time and time is money
But we refuse to be quiet and the voices are loud
And yet the bullets still fly
They say don't forget to get good grades, don't forget to graduate,don't forget to go to college
But do they want us to forget the voices of the ones
Who never made it back to class
In our shiny new shoes,our worn notebooks and our sharp #2 pencils
They say to us, ignore the voices, silence the voices
In our unopened test booklets, history papers and pop quizzes
They jail us, lock away our freedom of speech and our freedom of thought
They tell us what to do,where to go, when to go
They give us all thier rules
And they block out the voices with thier lectures and thier speeches
They patch the holes the bullets made in the walls
But what about the bleeding holes the bullets make in our hearts?
They gave us band aids but they should know
Band aids don't fix bullet holes
They give us temporary fixes, a band aid over the bullet hole
And a fresh coat of paint
But nothing to keep us from bleeding out all over thier shiny school floors
Nothing to keep the walls from bleeding the voices into the air
Instead they say, it'll go away,give it time and it won't hurt you anymore
But our nation and the voices of our children are far from healed
And one day the voices will be quiet but not because our nation silenced them
But because someone listened to the words that we spoke and said no more
But the question that remains is
Will they save the children in time
Or will it be too late ?