ALL love is awesome?
ALL LOVE is awesome?
That’s the word that comes up. “It offends me.”
Love offends you? Seriously?
Back up
My family is offended. “Sin offends me” They sneer.
No. YOU offend ME.
Year after year
Can’t you accept what is? It is love. It is awesome.
Keep it simple. L.O.V.E. It offends you.
As for me, I am not offended by love.
If I can have it, why can’t they?
We all approve of equality, isn’t that true?
I guess that only applies to you.
Hypocrisy isn’t awesome. Love is.
Keep it simple
I grow tired of the hate, it stems from fear
Fear of change, fear of judgement, fear of self
Can’t you hear??
The shouts of joy, the sobs of elation, the signs of love
That covered the nation
It is done, it is finished, there is nothing left to do
Accept what is, keep yourself, to YOU
Love is love, and all types are great
Love who you want, be AWESOME amidst the hate