African Lullaby
A cry arises from across the sea
Begging for mercy,
longing for peace.
A face, without a name.
Just a child
searching for love,
yet drowning in a sea of evil,
gasping for air
crushed by the weight of the world
Seeking a glimpse of light
or a flicker of hope.
This is all she's ever known.
Violence and death surround her,
Poverty and disease are her pillow.
She yearns for escape.
If someone would listen,
hold her when she cries,
but there is no time for tears.
Evil lurks all around.
Shadows close in on life
She reaches out, but for nothing.
No spark of peace,
no glimmer of mercy,
no sign of life.
Fear creeps in.
Will it ever end?
with nowhere to go,
she sits in the dark silence,