Afraid for my sisters and brothers
I’m afraid.
I’m just gonna flat out say it. I’m afraid.
For my black brothers and sisters to get shot.
What for though.
I’m supposed to feel safe aren’t I?
Thirteen year old afraid to walk outside her own house.
Not just because of the cops, but because of people who give hate.
They can’t help it because as a child they were given nothing but hate.
She’s gonna grip her purse in the elevator because she’s afraid, but so would I.
I’m afraid too.
Are you afraid?
Sense when did the color of your skin make you fear people?
I’m a young black women feeling that there's no hope for humanity and there's not.
People who say all lives matter do you get it?
That black people lives are being taken more?
How many of us need to die before they understand because i’m starting to believe that they will never understand.
Of course all lives matter, but why is one being taken more than others?
Everyone always pointing a finger at the black man and don’t act like i’m lying.
I’m trying not to get angry and mad, but sometimes I wish that the other side could see how we live.
What we fear as black people and have to go through.
Do they even feel guilty when they shoot a black man versus a white person?
Not all cops are bad. Same for black people.
Some act like white is the right race and black is the wrong race.
I’m starting to wonder only being thirteen years old is that true?
I’m in pain i’m grieving when my mom turns on the news and I see my darker brothers shot and killed.
They let that cop get of easy because he’s white.
Then they got some ratchet messed up black lady on crack on the screen saying “that ain’t right. He did nothing wrong.”
Did he do something wrong?
Is he clean from drugs?
We won’t know because they don’t want to go into detail what happened to that man.
You don’t have to tell me because I know what happened and so do all of you.
When I was younger I figured out that life ain’t fair.
My momma and daddy told me that to. Life ain’t fair, but you gotta work with what you got.
You wouldn’t believe how many people go to jail for nothing.
They fight like bloodsworth.
They are worth.
System is corrupted.
The law is corrupted and so is the person in charge.
I don’t want the young ones to now that they could be killed and lose their lives.
Do I even want to have children in this world?
When i’m old and on my last this world will be much worse and now i’m not ready.
If I live to be old.
There comes a age where you realize i’m gonna be dead someday maybe not today or tomorrow, but someday.
I never heard someone say “i’m gonna die because a cop shot me.”
Some just know.
They can feel and breathe that a cops gonna kill them because of how they look and act.
Some want to change, but can’t get the help they need to change.
Then their killed or in jail.
Can we save them?
Can we please have no more Khalil’s in this world of hate?
Couldn’t understand the meaning of Thug Life for awhile, but I do now.
We see Thug Life happen so much that now it’s hard to identify it.
People say “this generation is so messed up.”
Do you ever realize that y'all generation could have made us this way.
It’s not all our fault some are just born into these messed up system of things.
People alway say to these young people including myself. You have a choice to go to college or do something else. Do they really though?
Some are just born and feel trapped in the work that their parents do and maybe even grandparents.
This goes for people of all races.
I have love for them all.
But the question is do you?