
Genesis 3:19 

19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat food
until you return to the ground,
for out of it you were taken;
for you are dust, and to dust you will return.”


Your best


If you do your best and give it all

and you are a good producer,

why for some is their income small

decided by others who reduce it?


The ones at the top went to school

and oft had someone else pay it.

They did well and then came through

to get the best and think they deserve it.


But there are others in the lower ranks

who do their best all of the time.

They labored hard from their youth

to be treated then like slime.


What gives the right to the upper-crust

to devalue and classify human life?

To rank and file the ones below

and set standards like “the price is right.”


From where comes this special breed

and who underlines their call?

Who decided their “success” and need

to rule others … the weak and small?


Who raised them and made them be

with their values packed in a hearse?

Was it you … the laboring creed

with intentions like …“labor is a curse”?


Jan Wienen

This poem is about: 
Our world


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