
Wed, 10/14/2020 - 13:19 -- Ciradyl

When I treat it as a system, I am diverted from its anarchy

The aquarium's rapids blur my imagination and coil my psyche 

As I reflect melancholically, the diving bell gradually corrodes, I sink

Encompassed by mirrors, black blood cakes the glass, and my eyes blink


Forelimbs lacerated, the infestation diffuses in Adam's ale

My appendages digitalize and disseminate, I become not myself 

When the chain disconnects alas, I may drown freely


This melody defines me yet I cannot perceive the keys

Bits of scarlet corals mix with sand and yet it does not blind me

I see the food chain of the water's depths differently 


(I cannot flee

They never hear my plea

I am caged within the sea

Black blood floods inside of me



Look what you did to me

Are you happy?

I am happy.)

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