Sat, 12/15/2012 - 03:26 -- LV

Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Royalty lies within the heart
Diamonds were found in the rough
Honesty and trust
The unsentimental value of lust
Cutting against the grain
Devoted to the ice injected into your veins
Shooting down all hope
Who would have known that pain had such accurate aim
Our solid grounds spins around
The book of life is more delightful than the book of fame
Glory be thy name



I love what I do. I will like to call myself a poet just as well as a philosopher. Thanks for taking the time out to read my Art.


Apologies for the typo but everything is fixed now.


Love the way your poem flows. It really feels like I can hear someone reading your poem aloud as I read it... I'd love to hear it performed live (or filmed). Really nice work!

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