Accepting Me
Disapproval scorches me
Every step I take.
I'm not what they want me to be,
And it's a feeling I can't shake.
I'm not the peppy, bouncy girl
Whose smile lights the day.
Instead a sparrow with wings to unfurl,
Soon to fly away.
I am not their docile, gentle mare,
Nor their sparkling prize.
I stand apart with red in my hair
And tears shining in my eyes.
Far from expectations,
I am a child of solitude.
I picture the lamentations
When I sink into hermitude.
Discarded, abandoned, lost,
The most confused is me.
Left alone to be tossed
By the waves of the unforgiving sea.
Anchored by a simple act,
A lighthouse on the sea,
I'm saved by a single fact,
That they all love me.
Hard to believe, I know,
So vastly different am I.
But their love and kindness show,
The disapproval was all a lie.