acceptance featuring creative writer
God loves all of us, He knows our names without us introducing ourselves to Him, He accepts us
as His creation so explain to me why the human flesh fear acceptance of people from different
descendants, yet bleed to same color,
We have been drawn away from faith as religion becomes of free will during the "leisure"
generation, due to the exploiting of the devil's distractions: technology,
teaches people acceptance based on social media status quo, and not the person as a human
being who is finding one's way in the natural sinful world one lives in,
But why you ask, what is the point? To be so inferior to the great being that is our lord, to what
purpose did he create, to one's knowledge of a book titled bible, it ceases to explain reason for
the existence of future fossils,
that will metamorphosize to nothing more than meaningless fragments that was filled with flesh
enslaved by ignorance that tears bones down to lifeless ashes,
to an extent we wish and pray for the almighty, to somehow waste away and beg for death as we
reach the edge of our journey, but no matter our ranks and our lifestyle we will break the ties,
hang from a single thread and serve limited restrictions to a prosecuting society until the very
which is why we. the human flesh must unlearn racism that's being orchestrated by the enemy
who is playing sorrowful tunes. God have His own tunes that harmonizes His love of acceptance
to everyone as one, unification suppresses the oppression of human gentrification,
But let's contradict morals and the rebuilding of humanity, would it torture our souls to do
another's biding? Even though we praise the almighty what is stopping the world from murderous
thoughts? Do we deserve to stand on trial for death caused by another? There is an alter in the
atmosphere, in which God shows us anew and what could be, instead of what is "just",
God is just because He's such a forgiving one who send His Son to teach the essence of the
agape love that accepts all who they are as a whole. Souls are strengthen through the Holy Spirit
to inject truth in helping people be productive, and not be self destructive. what stops the world
from murderous thoughts is the enemy, whose desire is to separate you from Jesus, that is why
his days are numbered, which is why he is taking evil to a different plateau because he knows
that his time is up,
Good versus evil, but good always prevails, the lingering shadows only stay if there is no light,
keep your head high and have a blessed be day.
This poem is about:
Our world
Guide that inspired this poem: