In a street he waits and stares
Wondering who will strike today
He whispers secret, silent prayers
Hoping they will be at bay
They hate him for his beliefs
That religious men should lead
Even though they could be brothers
They hate him for his creed
In a city she walks alone
In the light of the sun
In a neighborhood unknown
She expects the people’s shun
They hate her for her skin
And make her fell smaller
Because she’s not like them
They hate her for her color
In a school he stood and heard
The whispers about his clothes
He listened as he was slurred
And his secrets were exposed
They hate him for his secret
Because of what they say
He bows his head in shame
They hate him because he’s gay
In an alley he sits in pain
And distress at his state
With no protection from the rain
He ponders his fate
They hate him for his dependence
And give to him no more
They remain selfish skeptics
They hate him because he’s poor
On a cross He had no hate
Just compassion for them all
He died to bear the weight
Of everyone, no matter how small
They hated Him for His acceptance
He saw in them the purity of a dove
And taught them be like Him
They hated him for His love